One is Silver and the Other's Gold
I have been married for 17 years. And in those 17 years we have moved 14 times. A handful of cities and a bunch of neighborhoods later, It is safe to say I have made my fair share of new friends. I have made so many new friends that some of them qualify as old by now and I cherish them and love them dearly.But this week I am home in California for Thanksgiving. All the Austin Overhauser's and the Arizona/Cali Daniels, all together in my parents beautiful home! Yeah!!! One of my favorite things to do when I come home is visit my oldest and dearest friends. These gals below, I have known forever! Some since Kindergarten, some since the 5th grade. We have been THROUGH-IT-ALL together. Between us all we have 10 children ranging in ages from 24 to 7... ( me bringing up the rear with my 2nd grader while some are talking of college and retirement.)I love that we pick right back up where we left off each time we are together. These women love me despite me. They offer advice and hear my heart. We laugh about how we met, and how we behaved and who we dated. It feels like home and It warms my heart.I need this!It reminds me who I am, where I come from and what I am capable of. We are doing this! Those things we dreamt about and talked about at sleepovers. (Well I doubt we could have imagined all of this.)These abundant lives we lead.I am thankful for them....for this.The next day I took a long walk on the beach with my Mom. She is truly my oldest and best friend.While my children ran in the sand ahead of us I poured my heart out to her. Parenting is tough and I need her right now. My hope is restored and my heart sings yet again. There are no words to describe how precious the time was. Thankful doesn't seem strong enough..but I am thankful,for those who know me inside and out and choose to stand by me, laugh with me and encourage me!Until next time dear ones! Until next time!Happy Thanksgiving!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12Two are better than one,because they have a good return for their labor:If either of them falls down,one can help the other up.But pity anyone who fallsand has no one to help them up.