Dreams on a shelf

When I was little I dreamt of  writing books. In fact I would write and illustrate them and line them up on a table in my long closet and have my family come and peruse the selections. I then had my fill of writing in high school and college and journaled a lot after that and now well, I blog like many other mommies and dream of writing books someday.There are times when I am consumed by my ideas.  I write mentally, on the computer, on napkins and the back of church bulletins and then rush home to form them into paragraphs and pages and maybe someday even chapters in a book. I can sit at the desk in my office and lose myself for hours on end and it brings me great joy.Then there are days and even weeks where I pass  by the office with my arms full of laundry and legos, rushing out the door, or putting a scared child back in bed and I wonder when I will  ever get back in there and my heart aches because my dream feels deferred (or put on hold).Sometimes I worry if I defer my dream for too long it will die!Will God forget about it?Will God forget about me?Proverbs 13:12  Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.Then I remember a deferred dream that God brought to life.There was a time when I dreamt of a strong, kind, loving husband, and a house full of little ones. That dream seemed like it would NEVER come true. It seemed to tarry and I waited. (very impatiently I must say!) As I waited I did the things that God had put before me and I prayed, yet my heart still ached for the things I waited for. I think that is only natural.But God is faithful and His timing is perfect! I know this, that these people, these 5 people, and all this laundry and love are my current dream come true that I will not take for granted or push aside for the excitement and longing of a new and fresh dream to chase. Rather, I will pour my heart and soul into them while God fashions and brings the dreams in my heart to reality in His own timing.Because God is faithful and His timing is perfect!Deferring a dream and waiting on God is a hard thing to do. Just when I grow weary, like a pregnant woman at her wits end who declares,  "This baby is never gonna come!!!!" (we've all been there, it's ok! God appreciates your honesty)  Thinking God has put me and my dreams on a shelf, I reminded myself of His faithfulness. When I allow Him to write the script for my life and I lean into Him and his timing my dreams become reality in ways I could never have imagined.Ephesians 3:20 My God can do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever dare think or ask.Raising this family is an exceedingly abundant dream that God has brought to life for me and it is my greatest joy! It is also a time sensitive kind of job that is crucial and critical,  time is of the essence if you will. So I defer other dreams for now; trusting God with them.Deuteronomy 31:6  "He will never leave you nor forsake you.”Do you have a "right now" that you are neglecting for the someday?God has trusted you with His right now... trust Him with your someday.Dare to ask Him to make all your dreams come true. God is faithful and His timing is perfect. 


When you see yourself in your child


It's My Father's House