Don't "Just Do It" Alone

No one likes to be alone. More accurately, no one likes to feel lonely. I go to great lengths to be at all 4 of my children's events (and my husband's too) because a victory is not a victory if you  can't look into the stands or audience and see your "people" rejoicing with you and cheering you on. There are countless other times when it is good to know you have "people" who are there for you when you need them.A while back I took  a vacation to Cancun and  it took a small army of about 5 fabulous friends to keep things running on the home front. I was so thankful to have such awesome friends. Just recently when I was very sick my friend Jodi came running to the rescue with all her homeopathic remedies and soup and encouraged me that I surely would not die. Another time when I was shut in with sick kiddos ( you know those days!) my dear friend Chris brought me comfort food(and by that I mean a large Cherry Lime-Aide from Sonic! ) and lo and behold I made it through.I feel sometimes though, that there is a sweeping trend towards autonomy. This need to do everything by ourselves.  The "Uber mom", running carpools and committees and marathons. We celebrate the strong, the independent, the driven. We make chore charts, goal charts, set resolutions and reminders, and then somehow, when we fall short we are left feeling tired and defeated right back where we started. We don't dare let anyone see that we are flawed, or that we failed or need help.This is surely not God's plan.God said it Himself, "It is not good for man to be alone." Perhaps we feel if we do not reach a certain level of success or number on the scale or have kids with good grades and  great accolades, or achieve recognition in the work place, that we are inadequate and we are left with feelings of shame, frustration, disappointment and even depression. God made us so we would need one another, and  grow together toward unity. By design all of God's creation is constructed to avoid self-sufficiency. He wants us to rely on Him and also each other. He was not alone. He was Father, Son, Holy Spirit.Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness." Heck, God even showed Adam that the animals were not alone. ( with the whole "two by two" thing!) All the more, I am sensing that His message is that it must not be good for man to be alone.  We need to walk side by side with each other.  It's vulnerable and scary I know to let others in to see my flaws and my shortcomings  but great comfort, encouragement, and strength can come form walking hand in hand with others and allowing them to bare some of our burdens and to bare theirs as well."Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up." Ecclesiastes 4:10If the plan was autonomy, there would be no marriages and families, counselors, pastors, tutors, or teachers or trainers or even motivational speakers,  God put us in relationships to help, encourage and support one another as together we rely on Him.  When we lean into God, we hear His plan for our life, that surely includes others and when we "do"  life together, linking arms and carrying one another's burdens  we can rejoice in our successes and comfort one another during times of discouragement and failure."A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12Today, with the start of football season upon us,  I can't help but think of the holidays that are just a few weeks away. Thanksgiving perhaps is the most traveled holiday of the year. It's the family holiday! There is this strong desire to be together, with family and friends, loving, laughing, (fighting perhaps I am sure), telling stories, and rubbing elbows. We consider it tragic when someone is alone for the holidays.All because of this one truth: It is not good to be alone.When you are out and about and back in again this week,take special note of your "people". Hug them tight and be thankful for them. You need them and they need you. And when the hustle and bustle of the season finally picks up and you start to feel overwhelmed; take a deep breath and heed God's subtle reminder, that you can "Do it".​You just were never intended to do it... alone.

Love one another. As I have loved you. John 13:34


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