Ten ways to Love your Neighbor AND Yourself.

 It’s February, so perhaps we should talk about love. As a Christain, scripture has taught me a lot about love, and there's no doubt that it’s a solid biblical theme. Jesus broke it down for us to the Big Two-

Love God, and Love your neighbor as yourself. 

  Matthew 22:36-40

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” 


 What does it even mean to love my neighbor as myself

The loving God part doesn’t sound too hard (or at least it seems self-explanatory), but sometimes loving my neighbor (and by that, I mean the people I encounter on the daily) can feel like a chore. 

Like, dude, I don’t even have my own life together.

 Maybe my neighbor doesn’t want to be loved the way I love myself.

Does my neighbor want me to…

Speak negatively to them.

Sleep deprive them

Shame them when they fall short of my expectations

Ignore them and put their needs last.

Force-feed them bad food and lousy TV?


LOL… I joke, but truth be told, we don’t always love ourselves well. 

Yes, let’s get about loving God!

But let’s also learn how to love and care for ourselves so that we can love our neighbor as ourselves. 

 The domino effect has the potential to be so powerful. God loves me- I recognize and receive it, and it changes my life. I  then show his love to others- they recognize and receive it- and it changes their life… and so on and so on and so on!

What a wonderful world this will be!

10 Ways to Love Your Neighbor AND Yourself.


1. Loving your neighbor means receiving God’s love.

Loving myself means receiving God’s love. God's love towards us is our very best example. 

2. Loving your neighbor means loving ourselves as well.

Yes. Both/And. I don't think I can love my neighbor if I don't love myself.

3. Loving your neighbor means showing grace. 

Loving myself means showing myself grace. Be a good friend to yourself. How would you treat your neighbor?

4. Loving your neighbor means acting with compassion. Loving myself means acting with compassion towards myself.  We are often way too hard on ourselves. 

5. Loving your neighbor means looking out for their well-being.

Loving myself means looking out for my well-being. Am I making good choices? Do I listen to wise advice? Am I in the will of God and on the right path? 

6. Loving your neighbor means serving them. 

Loving myself means tending to my needs and trusting God for them. I want to stay healthy and thrive in order to serve others. You can’t pour out of an empty cup.

7. Loving your neighbor means speaking kindly. 

Loving myself means speaking kindly. ( Silence that inner critic!)

 8. Loving your neighbor means making allowances for other people’s humanity. Loving myself means allowing myself to be human. Sheesh, go easy on yourself already!

9. Loving your neighbor means sharing in their joys and sorrows. Loving myself means allowing joy and the processing of sorrow. You don’t have to stuff your emotions to please everyone else.

 10. Loving your neighbor means forgiving. 

Loving myself means forgiving myself, seeking God’s abundant life, and helping others do the same!

 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! ...” – 1 John 3:1


Excuse me Ma'am your soul is showing! (Copy)