"Why do we have to go to church anyway?"

​I grew up attending a Lutheran church with my family in Southern California and for the most part, up through my teenage years, we went to church most every Sunday. Sometimes l liked it and sometimes I was bored but I was always glad I went. There was this peace in my home afterwards that was evident. We would stop and get donuts on the way home and then everyone would change their clothes and get ready for yard work, chores, or perhaps the beach. We were together and there was joy. Even young I knew there was a correlation.

My husband did not grow up going to church. He will tell you he went a few times with his girlfriend's family because they took him to brunch. However, since becoming serious about our faith in college, we have gone just about every Sunday since. (Unless he was playing football and then we went on Monday or Wednesday. God gets that! He likes football, I promise, it’s fine.)

Now our family goes to church every Sunday. Sometimes they complain, sometimes we are tired and fighting, but we go.

This Sunday morning there was lots of grumbling and complaining.

The teen pleaded, "Do I have to go?

Can't I just stay home and have some quiet time and do a devotional. You know how much I like doing that!" (I have let her do it from time to time I admit.) She is a bit of an introvert like her daddy and the whole get up, dress up, “See and be seen” social aspect of church doesn’t always appeal to her.I told her,  "No, you need to come to church because 'Corporate worship is important to God.' ” to which she replied, " It's not actually “corporate”, it is sort of individual worship while standing next to people”.  She was grumpy and her face let everyone know it.

Sigh… “Well, we are going.”

The Freshman is more like me and will go even if just for the "See and be seen” aspect" So she was all in.Frankly, we have had tons of “quality time” this holiday season and I was looking forward to being with people other than my immediate family. Time for a change of scenery!Yeah Church!SUV locked and loaded! Let’s roll people!Now, my boys love their Sunday school class but sometimes get bored sitting through "Big Church".

“Why do we have to stay for this?”

my son said, as we sat down for the Worship service.Part of me wanted to say, "Because I said so! Sheesh people!!”But I leaned over and said this to him:

“When we gather together in the name of Jesus. He shows up. His presence is noticeable, tangible, evident and life changing. When you look around and see other believers who came because they desire the presence of the Lord as well, it is encouraging and strengthens our faith and we can say,  “Yes! God is Good!! God is real and I can face another tomorrow because He is on the throne!” It is powerful and it pleases Him that we are here. The Bible says He inhabits our praises and when two or more are gathered together in his name, He is there in their midst.”

“We are here for that!”My son rolled his eyes at me and moved over leaving an empty seat between us. As the worship music started I poked at him a few times but he was set on being stubborn and grumpy so I left well enough alone. I looked at my motley crew all in a nice little row and said to myself,"At least we are here.”


know why we are here.We sang worship songs, sat through a good but rather deep message on communion and then sang some more.

I closed my eyes and sang.

“You make all things newYou make all things newYesterday and foreverYour love never changingThis hope never fadingHallelujah”

I felt my son slip back in next to me bridging the literal and figurative gap between us and offer me his hand. I took it and we sang. He leaned on me offering his apology and I accepted it.

Sometimes people just need space.

I held hands with both my boys, one on my right and now my left. We sang and my heart was full. I took another look at my pitiful church pew and the teen’s countenance had now changed and she too was worshiping and singing. We all were.Together.Corporately.It was not “together but separate.” It was in one accord! I could feel the presence of the Lord.We took communion together and then returned home. The atmosphere was new and fresh and reminded me of my childhood. There was peace and there was joy.

This dear ones is why we go to church.

​How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1


Overcoming Insignificance


Minimal but Meaningful-Surviving the Holidays