The Cure for The Human Condition

I am sitting in the doctors office with my youngest son on a raining Friday morning while people are passing by rather lifeless and tired.  Perhaps it is the gray gloomy weather bringing them down, or bad news from a doctor, or just a long week.I am people watching to pass the time while David plays Mine Craft on my phone.(Ya do what ya gotta do don't judge.)I observe two black women on cell phones not together and very alone. One woman  casually dressed  and methodically scrolling on her phone...Facebook perhaps? Maybe a book or a blog?  She does not seem interested in whatever it is. The other sits dressed to the "nines" appearing bored and clutching her purse on her lap.A few older white  gentleman  sit across from them reading newspapers  and magazines.  One of them has his legs crossed, tapping his foot in the air and it makes me think of my dad. The other is getting a kick out of my son and his intense involvement in his video game.An older Asian man enters the room and just sits.I wonder  what the room looks like to  each individual.  Are there any prejudices? Hatred? Fear? Indifference? what do they think of me?  My son? Each other? Is anyone sad? Hurting? Having a birthday? Contemplating suicide?You could hear a pin drop it was so silent in this room  when all of the sudden my son yells "DIE ZOMBIE DIE!!" ( so awesome!!!)I act embarrassed and apologetic.and I hush him.Now I really wonder what they think of us!An aged and tired woman enters the room with her adult child with Down Syndrome. My mothers heart hurts for her. The son comes close to me, too close, chooses a magazine and sits next to me making grunting noises.  I don't like the fact that I feel so awkward. But I do and so I smile kindly at them.I think they must find themselves in that situation daily.Embarrassed,apologetic,hushing...My own embarrassment goes away and I put my arm around my baby boy.I look around the room and the silence does seem to be deafening but yet screams as loud as my son."Notice me!""Validate me!""SEE ME!""Am I worthy?""What is my purpose? ""I am hurting!"and the list goes on.As diverse as the room is we have this in common, "The Human Condition",  a spirit, a soul.A soul crying out with a hole  the shape of God.that only He can fill.I wonder if they know Him. Have they ever? Are they Muslim? Buddhist? Atheist? Christian like me? Do they hate God? Do they feel disappointed? Perhaps even heartbroken?Everyone has a God story.I wish I could interview each person in this room and write a book about it. Or stand up and preach a sermon right there in the waiting room that would change lives (or scare them away perhaps). If only I had the nerve. What would they think of me?  What would they say?Today, I am watching ,wondering , and praying. Praying that God will reach them, bind us together  by taking up residence in our souls and  giving us that in common. Where our differences, prejudices, hurts, heartaches, disorders and sadness would be trumped by the love of God and our love for one another.And hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17


Generational Hand-me-downs


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