10 Things I Would Do Differently if I were 17 again

​ I sat with my daughter and her friends the other night talking laughing and crying about high school and its challenges. I thought to myself, “I wish I knew then what I know now.”Pardon me while I travel back in time. Feel free to share with the teen in your life.

10 things I would do differently if I were 17 again​.

Believe in myself. Those dreams, that creative flair, that faint small voice that asks, "I wonder if I could." That's God-given and the answer is, "Yes my dear, Yes you can. Shoot for the moon!"

Be myself. Let your true colors shine. Normal is a mirage. Embrace your uniqueness it is a gift from God. This is how you find your niche, your passion, and your tribe. Status Quo is boring.

Spend time with my family. Your family has been, and always will be there for you. Sometimes they are annoying but they know you better than you know yourself. Your parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles have life experience and wisdom and your siblings can be built-in friends. Invest in them. You won't always live together and someday you may live worlds apart and you will miss them.

Be less self-centered. It doesn't always have to be about you. Sometimes it feels good to shift the focus off of yourself (especially when things aren't going well) and champion others for a change. Be the friend you desire to have. Instead of wanting everyone to cheer you on, figure out ways to cheer them on. Cheer up the sad; notice the lonely. It's good for the soul.

Be choosier in relationships. If I have learned anything in the last 30 years it is that I have value and deserve to be treated as such. End of discussion. Do you feel valued in your friendships? What about in your dating relationships? Don't settle! Teach people how to treat you. I'd rather have 2 super good friends than 30 so-called friends who don't really value me. Be choosy who holds your hand and who holds your heart. Consider saving yourself mind body and soul for the man of your dreams. (Yes, I went there.)

Have more good clean fun. Oh my goodness dear ones this is big!! Don't believe the lie social media is selling you that everyone is having more fun than you. Grab those 2 good friends of yours and get to it. What makes you laugh, deep hard belly laughs? A movie, music, dancing baking, hikes, marathon runs, ICE CREAM RUNS??? Painting, board game night. Stay away from drinking and drugs. They never lead to anything good and usually get you in big trouble (ask me how I know). You will regret the decisions you make while under the influence and feel horrible the next day. Good clean fun will keep you feeling proud of yourself and the choices you made.

Study. Really, it matters. It really really matters and will keep you out of trouble. (Ask me how I know) Warning: studying with good friends can lead to good grades and laughter and usually food, and even college.

Believe my mom when she said, "It's them not you.”. So many times I cried to my mom about the way people treated me, and this was her answer. And she was usually right. High school is hard and people can be mean and insensitive (sometimes we all can.) Be kind to one another but move on if someone isn’t treating you well.  And don’t dwell on it too long because honestly, "It's probably them not you!"

Say, “Yes” when that "Christian girl" invited me to Bible Study. I wish I knew Jesus in high school but I was too busy following the crowd. There were a few times when I was invited to events with Christian friends and had I said yes it totally would have changed my life. Take time to pursue a relationship with Jesus. Don’t be too cool or too busy to check Him out. I promise you won’t regret it! (Ask me how I know.)


"Squad Goals"


When you feel like you suck at everything.